Thursday, January 24, 2008

Coming Honey

The new movie is here!! I know it's about time. Actually I've been holding out. The movie has been done since the 10th. I was just waiting until my first public screening before I put it online.

As I mentioned earlier I made this project for school and for the Northwest Film Forum Film Challenge. (Though I changed the idea that I used for the film.) The movie was shown tonight at a screening of all of the movies that were made for the challenge. I though that it was a smashing success.

Enjoy. Bonus points for anyone can name something that is in all three of my movies.

Here are the links for my other movies if you missed them:
Invisible Man
Will Work For Love


Wes said...

It is obviously the bowling ball bag! I even double checked by watching the first two movies. It has a much less prominant role in "Will Work for Love", but there nonetheless.

Collin Mapp said...

Great coverage and editing in this one. I liked your camera angles and the cuts.

Unknown said...

Very nicely done.

BrittWilk said...

From personal experience, huh? Jeanie would never smash your computer with a rolling pin! :)

Pendulum said...

I'm likin' it! It made me kind of hungry anticipating what was going to come out of the oven too!! I like the old black and white!!!