Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Invisible Man

So here's my new movie. This is my first school project. It was filmed in super 8. I was only allowed one super 8 cartridge to make this movie. That means only 3 minutes of footage to get all of the shots I needed.

The music was done by Jacob Cooper. Enjoy. Plz leave comments if you watch it. I want to know who is checking the blog.

I was going to embed the movie using a flash video but the flash video encoder was messing the movie up. So until I get that figured out you are going to have to deal with my movies being embedded with Qicktime.

If you can't see the video leave a comment and let me know what browser you are using. For some reason blogger was being picky about me using an object tag. So I didn't.


Wes said...

Hey sorry I didn't get to checking your blog out earlier. I love the movie, seriously!

Wes said...

It is much better than banana phone. I still have that stupid song in my head...

Wes said...

oh, and I'm using Mozilla

Unknown said...

Always love your ideas. Very well done.

Anonymous said...

your BFF Amin showed me your movie, pretty cool, can you make another about the invisible turnip snatcher?

Anonymous said...

Good job! I'm looking out for the sequel now. =)